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음식과 관련된 영어표현들 본문


음식과 관련된 영어표현들

Cheryl S 2021. 1. 9. 19:03


Food Condition (음식의 상태를 나타내는 형용사)

  • fresh (신선한) - Sushi always requires fresh fish.

  • off (맛이 별로인) - I'm afraid this cheese tastes off.

  • raw (가공되지 않은) - Sushi is made from raw fish as well as vegetables, seaweed, and rice. 

  • ripe (익은) - Make sure the bananas are ripe so I can use them in the cake.

  • rotten (썩은) - This meat smells rotten. I think we should throw it away.

  • tough (질긴) - The steak was very tough. I could hardly chew it!

  • tender (부드러운) - The lamb was so tender that it seemed to melt in my mouth.

  • undercooked (덜 익힌) - The undercooked salmon was very poor.

  • unripe (덜 익은) - Many types of fruit are picked unripe and become ripe as they are shipped.

  • overcooked (너무 익힌) - The broccoli was overcooked. It should have been crisper. 


Food Verbs (음식과 관계된 동사) 

  • bake (굽다) - I'll bake a cake for her birthday party.

  • boil (삶다) - You should boil these potatoes for forty-five minutes.

  • cook (요리하다) - What would you like me to cook for dinner?

  • fry (튀기다, 굽다; 기름에 튀기거나 구울 때) - I usually fry some eggs and bacon on Saturday mornings.

  • grill (굽다; 고기를 석쇠에 구울 때) - During the summer I like to grill meat outside.

  • heat (데피다) - Heat up the soup and make some sandwiches.

  • microwave (전자렌지에 돌리다) - Microwave the macaroni for three minutes and eat.

  • poach (수란을 만들다) - Jennifer prefers to poach her eggs.

  • roast (굽다; 보통 오븐에 구을 때) - Let's put this in the oven and roast for two hours.

  • steam (찌다) - The best way to cook many vegetables is to steam them for a few minutes.


Food Quantities (음식의 양을 나타내는 표현)

  • bar (조각; 보통 사각형의 버터를 한 조각씩 자른다고 할 때) - Melt one bar of butter for the sauce.

  • liter (리터) - I'll put a liter of water on to boil for the pasta.

  • loaf (덩어리) - I bought three loaves of bread at the supermarket. 

  • lump (덩어리) - Put of a lump of butter on top of the casserole to make it tasty.

  • piece (조각) - Would you like a piece of chicken?

  • pint (파이트) - I drank a pint of ale at the pub.

  • portion (양) - Have you eaten your portion of vegetables today?

  • slice (조각) - Please put three slices of cheese on my sandwich.

  • spoonful (한 숟가락) - Add two spoonfuls of sugar to sweeten.


Food Taste (음식의 맛을 나타내는 형용사)

  • bitter (쓴) - The almonds were very bitter. I could hardly eat the cookies.

  • bland (별 맛이 안나는) - This sauce is very bland. It doesn't taste like anything.

  • creamy (크림같은) - I enjoy eating creamy tomato soup on cold winter days.

  • crisp (바삭바삭한) - The apple was crisp and delicious. 

  • crunchy (아삭아삭한) - Granola is a very crunch type of breakfast cereal.

  • hot (뜨거운) - The soup is hot. Let it cool down.

  • mild (부드러운)- The spices are very mild. 

  • salty (짠) - The sauce was much too salty. I think you should add some water and boil it down.

  • savory (맛 좋은)- Savory crackers with cheese make a great snack. 

  • sour (신) - Lemons are very sour!

  • spicy (매운) - Greg enjoys eating spicy Mexican food. 

  • sweet (단) - The cherry pie wasn't too sweet. It was just right. 

  • tasteless (아무런 맛이 없는) - The vegetables have been cooked for too long. They're tasteless.


Food Types (음식의 형태)

  • barbecue (바베큐; 고기를 구워(grill)먹는) - Do you enjoy barbecue during the summer?

  • buffet (부페;음식을 직접 담아서 먹는) - We went to an Indian buffet and had all we could eat.

  • four-course meal (4가지 코스로 된 요리; 수프, 에피타이저, 메인, 디저트) - My wife and I enjoy making four-course meals on special occasions.

  • picnic (소풍 음식) - Let's take a picnic to the park and enjoy the good weather.

  • snack (간식) - You should eat a snack at four, but don't eat too much.

  • TV dinner ("packaged meal"이라고도 함.; 흔히 냉동식품 또는 패스트 푸드) - TV dinners are disgusting but fast.


Eating and Drinking (먹고 마시는 표현)

  • bite (베어물다)- Don't bite off more meat than you can comfortably chew.

  • chew (씹다) - You should chew each bite well before you swallow.

  • swallow (삼키다) - If you swallow too much you might choke on your food.

  • sip (홀짝이다) - It's best to slowly sip a cocktail rather than gulp it down.

  • guzzle (벌컥벌컥 마시다) - He guzzled a glass of water after he finished the job.

  • gulp down (꿀꺽 삼키다) - He hungrily gulped down the meal as he was very hungry.


Preparing Drinks (음료 준비 할 때)

  • add - Add two shots of whiskey and some rum.

  • fill - Fill the glass with ice.

  • mix - Mix in a teaspoon of sugar.

  • pour - Pour your drink over ice cubes. 

  • shake - Shake the drink well and pour into a glass.

  • stir - Stir the ingredients well and enjoy with your favorite seafood. 











[출처] thoughtco.com/words-used-to-describe-food-4018894. 

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