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평범한 회사원의 1일 pass 다이어리..
통증, 몸 상태를 설명하는 영어표현 본문
코로나가 길어지면서 외국 여행 했던 때가 그리워 질 때가 있다. 전혀 새로운 곳으로 여행을 갈 때면 쌓였던 스트레스가 확 풀리는 느낌도 있고...마음속에 쌓아 두었던 걱정과 근심이 잠시나마 사라지는 느낌이 있다..
그래서 그 느낌과 마음가짐때문에 여행했을 때의 과거가 더 그리워지는 걸 수도 있겠다...
여행이 이런 소중한 가치를 알게 해 줬다면, 해외여행의 현실적인 부분도 있는데
그 중의 하나는 외국에 나가서 아플때 일 것이다.
타지에 나가면 절대 아프지 말아야 하는데, 그럼에도 몸이 아프게 되면 최대한 나의 컨디션을 잘 전달할 수 있어야 할 것이다.
오늘은 영어로 표현 할 수 있는 가장 기본적인 몸의 상태를 묘사하는 단어를 정리해 보았다.
an allergy: 알레르기
a medical condition that causes you to react badly or feel sick when you eat or touch a particular substance.
asthma: 천식
a respiratory condition where spasms in the lungs cause difficulty in breathing. An asthmatic uses an inhaler to calm the spasms.
a backache: 요통
a prolonged pain in the back.
a broken leg: 부러진 다리
when a bone in the leg is broken. A broken leg is put in a cast to help immobilize the leg so that it heals quicker. Other parts of the body with bones can also be broken, for example a broken arm, a broken wrist etc.
cancer: 암
a serious disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells that kill normal body cells in a part of the body.
a cold: 감기
a common viral infection which causes mucus to run from the nose, gives a sore throat and often includes sneezing.
a cough: 기침
the act of expelling air from the lungs with a sudden sharp sound.
diarrhoea: 설사
(America English: diarrhea) an illness in which faeces are discharged from the bowels frequently and in a liquid form.
an earache: 귓병
pain inside the ear.
a fever: 열
an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering and a headache.
the flu: 독감 (감기 바이러스)
flu is the common name given for influenza. It is a contagious viral infection of the respiratory passages that causes fever and sever aching.
a headache: 두통
a continuous pain in the head.
heartburn: 소화불량, 속 쓰림
a form of indigestion felt as a burning sensation in the chest. It is caused by acid regurgitation into the esophagus.
(the) measles: 홍역
an infectious viral disease causing fever and a red rash on the skin. It typically occurs in childhood.
a rash: 발진
a lot of small red spots on the skin that are usually itchy.
a sore throat: 인후염
a condition of pain in the throat, typically caused by inflammation of it.
a sprain: (손목, 발목) 삐는 것
an injury to a joint in your body, especially your wrist or ankle, caused by suddenly twisting it.
a stomachache (US) - stomach ache (Brit): 위통, 복통
The pain in a person's belly. Notice how the word can be spelled together or as two words, depending on the country.
sunburn: 화상
when the skin becomes red with inflammation as a result of overexposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun.
a toothache: 치통
the pain in a tooth or teeth.
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